The Posture Wedge is easy to use! Just lay down on the wedge for 10 minutes per day and let it slowly mold the muscles and ligaments in your neck to return them to a healthier, more youthful alignment.
10 minutes a day is all it takes to start to correct a lifetime of bad posture!

Poor Posture
Years of leaning forward can lead to forward head posture, which has potentially damaging effects throughout your whole spine.

Using The Posture Wedge
Make sure to rest your head on the sloped side of the wedge, with the vertical side placed firmly against your shoulders.

You don’t want your head hanging over the vertical edge of the wedge!

Corrected Posture
Enjoy your restored, natural posture!
The Posture Wedge can help correct your forward head posture with just 10 minutes of use per day. Just lay down on any flat surface (a bed or the floor are great) and rest your head on the sloped side of the wedge. Press the vertical edge up tight against your shoulders, and bend your knees if you want to get a bit more comfortable. Stay in this position for 10 minutes and feel your neck relax into the wedge.
Many people like to use The Posture Wedge just before they go to bed as a way to slow down after a long day of leaning forward at their computers.
Remember – this is not a sleeping device!
Ten minutes a day is all it takes to start to move better, feel better, and look better!